Albeit to varying degrees, dyslexics constantly working out the world and coping with what nondyslexics find easy.
see the thing is and one frustration is the written word is not a natural thing and is relatively new development in our evolution .
There is a high regard put on reading and those that find it easy generally frown upon those that make mistakes or read things wrong.
However one of the world's largest companies set out to give diners a taste of what its like for a larger proportion of the population.
Generally Dyslexics remember words like picture so reading becomes possible , however give a dyslexic a new word they you've made up and they generally will struggle with it.
However one of the world's largest companies set out to give diners a taste of what it's like for a larger proportion of the population.
I salute Burger King for doing this awareness PR stunt, yes it raises awareness of Burger King, I think its brilliant
well done Burger King
"Where Loving It"